Tabela de conteúdo
- Arquitetura de Software
- Engenharia de Software Experimental
- Engenharia de Software Experimental e Arquitetura de Software
- Suporte Arquitetural para Feedback Control Loops
- Suporte Arquitetural para Auto-Gerenciamento
- Architecture Description Languages
- Arquitetura de Software e Análise de Desempenho de Sistemas
- Metodologia de Pesquisa para Engenharia de Software
- Technical Reports
Arquitetura de Software
- Decision-making techniques for software architecture design: A comparative survey. Davide Falessi, Giovanni Cantone, Rick Kazman, and Philippe Kruchten. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR). Volume 43 Issue 4, October 2011. Article No. 33.
- Software Design and Architecture: The once and future focus of software engineering. Taylor, Richard N. van der Hoek, Andre. Future of Software Engineering (FOSE '07). Pags. 226-243.
- Architecture Decisions: Demystifying Architecture . Tyree, J. Akerman, A. IEEE Software. 2005. Pags. 19-27.
- A systematic review of software architecture evolution research. Breivold, Hongyu Pei rnkovic, Ivica Larsson, Magnus. Information and Software Technology. 2011. Pags. 16-40.
- The Irrelevance of Architecture. Booch, Grady. IEEE Software. 2007. Pags. 10-11.
- The golden age of software architecture. Shaw, Mary Clements, Paul. IEEE Software. 2006. Pags. 31-39.
- The coming-of-age of software architecture research. Shaw, Mary. ICSE 2001 - 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering. 2001. Pags. 656-.
- Rethinking software connectors. Kell, Stephen. International workshop on Synthesis and analysis of component connectors in conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE joint meeting - SYANCO '07. 2007. Pags. 1-12.
- Higher-order architectural connectors. Lopes, Antónia Wermelinger, Michel Fiadeiro, José Luiz. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2003. Pags. 64-104.
- The Past, Present, and Future of Software Architecture. Philippe Krutchen, Henk Obbink, Judith Stafford. IEEE Software. 2006. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pags. 22-30.
Engenharia de Software Experimental
- Applying empirical software engineering to software architecture: challenges and lessons learned . Falessi, Davide Babar, Muhammad Ali Cantone, Giovanni. Software Engineering. 2010. Pags. 250-276.
- Has Twenty-five Years of Empirical Software Engineering Made a Difference ? Jeffery, Ross Scott, Louise. Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference - APSEC '02. Pags. 539-.
- Empirical studies of software engineering: a roadmap. Perry, Dewayne E. Porter, Adam A. Votta, Lawrence G. Proceedings of the conference on The future of Software engineering - ICSE '00. 2010. Pags. 345-355.
- Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering . Shull, Forrest Singer, Janice Sjøberg, Dag I.K. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 2007.
- Evidence-based software engineering for practitioners. Dyba, T. Kitchenham, Barbara A. Jorgensen, M.. IEEE Software. 2005. Pags. 58-65.
- Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research. Easterbrook S., Singer J., Storey M., and Damian D. Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering. Chapter 11. Springer-Verlag New York. 2007. Pags. 285-311.
Engenharia de Software Experimental e Arquitetura de Software
- Empirical research in software architecture: opportunities, challenges, and approaches. Babar, Muhammad Ali Lago, Patricia Deursen, Arie. Empirical Software Engineering. 2011. Pags. 539-543.
- Applying empirical software engineering to software architecture: challenges and lessons learned . Falessi, Davide Babar, Muhammad Ali Cantone, Giovanni. Software Engineering. 2010. Pags. 250-276.
Suporte Arquitetural para Feedback Control Loops
- Making control loops explicit when architecting self-adaptive systems . Hebig, Regina Giese, Holger Becker, Basil. Proceeding of the second international workshop on Self-organizing architectures - SOAR '10. 2010. Pags. 21-28.
- Autonomic Computing Now You See It, Now You Don't. Müller, Hausi A.; Kienle, Holger M.; Stege, Ulrike. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Software Engineering. 2009. Pags. 32-54.
- A systematic survey on the design of self-adaptive software systems using control engineering approaches. Patikirikorala, Tharindu; Colman, Alan; Han, Jun; Wang, Liuping. 2012 7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS). 2012. Pags.
- A control theory foundation for self-managing computing systems. Hellerstein, J.L. Parekh, S. Griffith, R. Kaiser, G.E. Phung, D.. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 2005. Pags. 2213-2222.
- Visibility of control in adaptive systems. Müller, Hausi A. Pezzí, Mauro Shaw, Mary. ULSSIS 2008 - 2nd International Workshop on Ultra-Large-Scale Software-Intensive systems. 2008. Pags. 23-26.
- Beyond Objects: a software design paradigm based on process control. Shaw, Mary. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 1995. Pags. 27-38.
- Control theory-based foundations of self-controlling software. Kokar, M.M. Baclawski, K. Eracar, Y.A. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 1999. Pags. 37-45.
- Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems through Feedback Loops. Brun, Yuriy Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna Gacek, Cristina Giese, Holger Kienle, Holger M. Litoiu, Marin Müller, Hausi A. Pezzí¨, Mauro Shaw, Mary. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. 2009. Pags. 48-70.
- On interacting control loops in self-adaptive systems. Vromant, Pieter Weyns, Danny Malek, Sam Andersson, Jesper. SEAMS 2011 - ICSE - Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. 2011. Pags. 202-207.
Suporte Arquitetural para Auto-Gerenciamento
- A survey of self-management in dynamic software architecture specifications. Bradbury, Jeremy S Cordy, James R Dingel, Juergen Wermelinger, Michel. WOSS 2004 - 1st ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Managed Systems. 2004. Pags. 28-33.
- An architecture-based approach to self-adaptive software. Oreizy, Peyman Gorlick, M.M. Taylor, Richard N. Heimhigner, D. Johnson, Gregory Medvidovic, Nenad Quilici, Alex Rosenblum, D.S. Wolf, A.L.. Intelligent Systems and.
- Runtime software adaptation: framework, approaches, and styles. Oreizy, Peyman; Medvidovic, Nenad; Taylor, Richard N. Companion of the 13th international conference on Software engineering - ICSE Companion '08. 2008. Pags. 899-910.
- From goals to components: A Combined Approach to Self-Management. Sykes, Daniel; Heaven, William; Magee, Jeff; Kramer, Jeff. SEAMS 2008 - ICSE - International workshop on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. 2008. Pags. 1-8.
- Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Research Roadmap. Cheng, Betty H. C.; Lemos, Rogério De; Giese, Holger; Inverardi, Paola; Magee, Jeff; Andersson, Jesper; Becker, Basil; Bencomo, Nelly; Brun, Yuriy; Cukic, Bojan; Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna; Dustdar, Schahram; Finkelstein, Anthony; Gacek, Cristina; Geihs, Kurt; Grassi, Vincenzo; Karsai, Gabor; Kienle, Holger M.; Kramer, Jeff; Litoiu, Marin; Malek, Sam; Mirandola, Raffaela; Müller, Hausi A.; Park, Sooyong; Shaw, Mary; Tichy, Matthias; Tivoli, Massimo; Weyns, Danny; Whittle, Jon. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. 2009. Pags. 1-26.
- Software engineering for self-adaptive systems: A second research roadmap. Cheng, Betty H. C.; Lemos, Rogério De; Giese, Holger; Inverardi, Paola. Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. 2010.
- Self-managing software. Hinchey, Michael G.; Sterritt, Roy. IEEE Computer. 2006. Pags. 107-109.
- Fulfilling the Vision of Autonomic Computing. Dobson, Simon; Sterritt, Roy; Nixon, Paddy; Hinchey, Michael G. IEEE Computer. 2010. Pags. 35-41.
Architecture Description Languages
- A classification and comparison framework for software architecture description languages. Medvidovic, Nenad; Taylor, Richard N. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2000. Pags. 70-93.
Arquitetura de Software e Análise de Desempenho de Sistemas
- Architecture-based performance analysis. Spitznagel, Bridget; Garlan, David. SEKE 1998 - 10th Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 1998. Pags. 146-151.
Metodologia de Pesquisa para Engenharia de Software
- What makes good research in software engineering ?. M. Shaw. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology. 2002. Pags. 1-7.
- Writing good software engineering research papers: minitutorial. M. Shaw. ICSE 2003 - 25th International Conference on Software Engineering. 2003. Pags. 726-736.
- Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering. Shull, Forrest; Singer, Janice; Sjøberg, Dag I.K. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 2007.
- Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. Brereton, Pearl; Kitchenham, Barbara A.; Budgen, David; Turner, Mark; Khalil, Mohamed. Journal of Systems and Software. 2007. Pags. 571-583.
- Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering. Kitchenham, Barbara A.; Charters, S. Technical Report. 2007.
- Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering. Runeson, Per; Hí¶st, Martin. Empirical Software Engineering. 2008. Pags. 131-164.
Documentação de Design Decision Rationale (DDR)
- gIBIS (Graphical Issue-Based Information System)
- DRL (Decision Representation Language)
- QOC (Questions Options and Criteria, a.k.a. Design Space Analysis)
- DGA (Decision Goal and Alternatives)
Documentação Arquitetural
- ISO/IEC 42010 (originalmente ANSI/IEEE Std 1471-2000)
- Rational Unified Process / Kruchten 4+1
- Views and Beyond
- Viewpoint Set (from Rozanski & Woods)
- Agile Development
- Perry & Wolf
- Siemens Four View
- DoDAF (US Department of Defense' Architecture Framework)
- SysML
- AADL (SAE' Architecture Analysis and Design Language)
Projeto Arquitetural
- ADD (Attribute-Driven Design)
- QADA (Quality-driven Architecture Design and quality Analysis)
- Rational Unified Process / Kruchten 4+1
- Views and Beyond
- ArchDesigner
- Falesse et al.
- G&S (Goals & Scenarios)
- Tropos
- Rule Based
- RUP (Rational Unified Process)
- Siemens 4V
- BAPO (Business Architecture Process and Organization)
- ASC (Architectural Separation of Concerns)
- CBSP (Component-Bus-System and Properties)
- QDC (Quality-Driven Composition)
Análise Arquitetural
- CBAM (Cost Benefit Analysis Method)
- SAAM (Scenario-Based Architecture Analysis Method) e extensíµes:
- ADR (Active Design Review)
- ARID (Active Reviews of Intermediate Designs)
- ALMA (Architecture Level Modifiability Analysis)
- FAAM (Family Architecture Assessment Method)
- ATAM (Architectural Trade-off Analysis Method)
- SBAR (Scenario-Based Architecture Reengineering)
- ALPSM (Architecture Level Prediction of Software Maintenance)
- SAEM (Software Architecture Evaluation Model)
- GQM (Goal Question Metric Paradigm)
- FASE - International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- ISEC - ACM India Software Engineering Conference
- ARCS - International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems
- International Workshop on Feedback Computing (antigo International Workshop on Feedback Control Implementation and Design in Computing Systems and Networks - FeBID) - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006)
- SEAMS - International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems - (2012,2011, 2010,SEFSAS 2010,2009, 2008,SEFSAS2008, 2007,2006,DEAS 2005)
- ICAS - International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005)
- EASe - International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004)
- ECBS - IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,...)
- ICAC - ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,2006,2005,2004,AAW 2003,AMS 2003)
- EAIS - IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligence Systems - (2013,2012,2011,EIS 2010,ESDIS 2009,GEFS 2008,EFS 2006)
- ADAPTIVE - International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications - (2012,2011,2010,2009)
- AHS - NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems - (2012,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007)
- ECSA - European Conference on Software Architecture
- ESEC/FSE - European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
- SEKE - International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- COMPSAC - Annual International Computer Software & Applications Conference
- MODELS - International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
- ISSTA - International Symposium in Software Testing and Analysis
- ASE - International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- SASO - International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems
- GPCE - International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences
- WICSA - Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture
- CBSE - International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering
- CompArch - Federated Events on Component-Based Software Engineering and Software Architecture
- SSBSE - Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
- APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
- FOCLASA - International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self Adaptive Systems
- HASE - IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering
- SAM - System Analysis and Modelling Conference
- ASSE - Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering
- Latin Colloquium on Open Source Systems
- ICSEA - International Conference in Softwaren Engineering Advances
- SBES - Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
- ESEM - ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
- SLE - International Conference on Software Language Engineering
- ISEC - India Software Engineering Conference
- MEMOCODE - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models for System Design
- EMMSAD - International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design
- ASWEC - Australasian Software Engineering Conference
- TACAS - International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
Feedback Control Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems
- Linnaeus University - Suécia
- Pesquisadores: Danny Weyns e Jesper Andersson
- Áreas: Decentralized Feedback Control e Decentralized Self-Adaptation
- Projetos: FORMS
- Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering - University of Potsdam - Alemanha
- Pesquisadores: Holger Giese, Regina Hebig, Basil Becker e Thomas Vogel
- Áreas: Feedback Control e Model-Driven Engineering
- Projetos: Making control loops explicit when architecting self-adaptive systems, MegaModels@run.time
- SALTY (Self-Adaptive very Large disTributed sYstems) - Université Nice - França
- Pesquisadores: Filip Krikava e Philippe Collet
- Áreas: Run-time feedback loops, Actor-based
- Projetos: Actor-based Runtime Model of Adaptable Feedback Control Loops
- Carnegie Mellon University - EUA
- Pesquisadores: David Garlan, Mary Shaw, Bradley Schmerl e Shang-Wen Cheng
- Áreas: Multi-objective self-adaptation, middleware
- Projetos: Architecture-based self-adaptation in the presence of multiple objectives e Rainbow (site1, site2)
- George Mason University - EUA
- University of Victoria - Canadá
- Pesquisadores: Hausi A. Müller
- Áreas: Feedback Control e Self-Adaptation
- Projetos: Visibility of control in adaptive systems
- Swinburne University of Technology / RMIT University - Austrália
- Pesquisadores: Alan Colman, Jun Han, Liuping Wang e Tharindu Patikirikorala
- Áreas: Feedback Control (e variantes), Self-Adaptation e Software Architecture
- Projetos: A multi-model framework to implement self-managing control systems for QoS management
Search-Based Software Architecture Design
- Tampere University of Technology - Finlândia
- Pesquisadores: Outi Räihä, Kai Koskimies e Erkki Mäkinen
- Áreas: Software Architecture, Search-Based Software Engineering, Self-Adaptive Systems
- Projetos: A survey on search-based software design
- Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) / Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) / Software Design and Quality (SDQ) - Alemanha / University of Zurich - Suiça
- Pesquisadores: Anne Koziolek, Ralf H. Reussner e Andreas Oberweis
- Áreas: Software Architecture, Search-Based Software Engineering, Component-Based Software Engineering
- Projetos: Automated Improvement of Software Architecture Models for Performance and Other Quality Attributes
- Institute of Software Integrated Systems - Vanderbilt University - USA
- Pesquisadores: Tripti Saxena e Gabor Karsai
- Áreas: Model-based Design e Model-Integrated Computing (MIC)
- Projetos: A Generic Framework for Design Space Exploration
Design Science Research
- Australian National University / College of Business & Economics - Austrália
- Pesquisadores: Shirley Gregor e David Jones
- Áreas: Design Science Research, Design Theories
- Projetos: Information Systems Foundations: Theory Building in Information Systems, The Anatomy of a Design Theory, The Nature of Theory in Information Systems
- Information Systems and Decision Sciences - College of Business Administration - University of South Florida / Own Graduate School of Management - Vanderbilt University / College of Business Administration - Korea University / Management Information Systems Eller College of Business and Public Administration - University of Arizona
- Pesquisadores: Alan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park e Sudha Ram
- Áreas: Design Science Research, Design Theories
- Projetos: Design science in information systems research
- Covariance and contravariance
- Curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP)
- Python
- Metaprogramming
Arquitetura de Software
- Software Architecture Essential Bookshelf
- Resources for Software Architects
- Site do livro Software Systems Architecture (Rozanski & Woods)
- Agile Modeling
- An Analysis of JBoss Architecture
- Coding the architecture
Self-Adaptive Systems
Control Systems
- Control Systems - WikiBooks
- Control Guru - Process Time
- Control Guru - The Cascade Control Architecture
- Control Guru - Sampling Times
- Control Notes - Dead Time x Time Constant
- A Visual Interactive Approach to Digital Signal Processing
- A Visual Interactive Approach to Control Theory
- Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops
- Designing Great Feedback Loops
Cloud Computing
- Reference architectures:
- IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) - Developing Standards for Cloud Computing: P2301 e P2302
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU) e Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud Computing - Cloud Computing and Standardization: Technical Reports Published
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - Cloud Computing Program:
- NIST Special Publication 500-293, US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap, Release 1.0 (Draft), Volume I High-Priority Requirements to Further USG Agency Cloud Computing Adoption
- NIST Special Publication 500-293, US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap, Release 1.0 (Draft), Volume II Useful Information for Cloud Adopters
- IBM Cloud Computing Reference Architecture
- Rackspace Cloud: Private Edition Reference Architecture
- AWS Architecture Center
- Open-source cloud-related technologies:
- Misc:
- Netflix Cloud Computing Tutorial
- Hacking on Apache CloudStack
- CloudStack general architecture
- Anatomy of a cloud storage service
- Software architecture for high availability in the cloud
- Cloud computing system architecture diagrams
- Building GrepTheWeb in the Cloud: part 1
- Building GrepTheWeb in the Cloud: part 2
- Amazon Web Services Blog - tagged with 'Architecture'
- Amazon Cloud Computing Whitepapers
- Hadoop 2.x Tutorial (versão antiga do MapReduce)
- What is MapReduce ? (introdução rápida)
- Understanding Hadoop Clusters and the Network
- Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial Series
- XMI Hacker's Homepage
- UML Diagrams
- UML Forum
- SysML Forum
- Customizing UML: Which Technique is Right for You?
- UML Best Practices
- On the Expressive Power of the Object Constraint Language
- Introduction to OCL in Together
- SDMetrics
- Quick'n Dirty Tutorial on Modelling with Eclipse
- Generating an EMF Model with Object Constraint Language
- MDT/UML2/Getting Started with UML2
- MDT/UML2/Introduction to UML2 Profiles
Model-Driven Software Engineering
- Git Ready
- Pro Git - Book
- Gitcasts
- Git magic
- Gitology
- A tour of git: the basics
- Git immersion
- Git guys
- Valgrind suppression howto
- The Apache Modeling Project
- Diretrizes para Elaboração de Textos Científicos